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About MoMAS ® : User feedback


Some details regarding installed systems and their use (see also Download "Presentation")

Hitherto MoMAS ® has been installed for 20 extruders in various countries. In the
case of existing extruders being upgraded with MoMAS®, the productivity increase registered after installation of MoMAS® was noted to depend strongly on the initial condition of the extruder plant. The most spectacular result was a productivity increase of 14 %  (averaged over a few months). The following table gives the statistics collected in a
Production statistics of a typical industrial plant in a period of six months


  No. of billets extruded Mean ram speed
RMS error of profile
Standard deviation
of ϑΕ
With MoMAS 30 381 10.02 12.1 °C 3.89 °C
Without MoMAS 26 180  9.29 (28.8 °C) 4.21 °C

Note the increase in the mean extrusion rate of about 6% with MoMAS®